Biden’s Corruption and Its Media Coverup


by John D. O’Connor

The following is an article originally published on BizPac Review. Read it HERE. Download a PDF copy of this article HERE.


The recent stunning revelations from Hunter Biden’s laptop should not be altogether surprising, since anyone with common sense would have already sensed that his father Joe was part of his corrupt bargain with entities in Ukraine and China.  Similarly, the recent media concealment of this important story should not have been surprising given their prior coverups.  But the nakedly partisan shut-down of responsible New York Post reporting, should shock even the most cynically jaded observers.

It had always made sense that Papa Joe had at least looked the other way when Hunter invoked in the Vice President’s name to get lucrative payouts from two of our most threatening foreign rivals: Russia ( through their Ukrainian oligarchs) and China ( through the Bank of China).   Somewhat in parallel, as Trump was being impeached, it was obvious the media was looking away from Joe Biden’s condoning of his son’s corruption.

But the newly unearthed Hunter Biden communications, documenting active Joe Biden corruption, indicts both our former Vice President and our left-leaning media for fraud and treason.

Joe Biden’s defenses – of never having been involved with or spoken to Hunter about his son’s businesses- – were first given the lie by a newly revealed April 17, 2015 email from corrupt oligarchic Burisma Holdings third in command, Vadym Pozharskyi to Hunter Biden regarding the meeting Hunter had arranged in D.C. with his father, one conveniently omitted from official records:

Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure…

Had Burisma hired Hunter Biden in 2014 with the expectation of help from father Joe?  A May 12, 2014 email from Pozharskyi to Hunter, when the heat was on Burisma, says so:

We urgently need your advice on how you could use your influence to convey a message/signal, etc to stop what we consider to be politically motivated actions…

Is it possible, though, notwithstanding his false denials about communications with his son, that Joe Biden was an innocent dupe of Hunter, who used his father to get big paydays?  Not if you put any sensible interpretation on Hunter’s text to his daughter, strongly suggesting that Joe was Hunter’s criminal partner, sharing in his son’s corrupt largesse:

I love all of you. But I don’t receive any respect and thats [sic] find I guess – works for you apparently.  I Hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this family Fro [sic] 30 years. It’s really hard.  But don’t worry unlike Pop I won’t make you give me half your salary.

Is there other evidence that Joe partook in Hunter’s corrupt lucre? Certainly.  In one deal to partner with a Chinese energy firm, a May 13, 2017 email describes remuneration packages for six people, including a line that suggests Hunter was to hold a 10% interest in the company for the benefit of the “big guy”:

At the moment there s a provisional agreement that

20 H

20 RG

20 JG

20 TB

10 Jim

10 held by H for the big guy?

If Hunter earlier got a 10% interest in a 1.5 billion (now $2BB) Bank of China fund, , how much of that 10% was held for the “big guy”?   Since this 10% interest was worth $3MM-$10MM million annually in fees, half of these earnings may be earmarked for Joe.  One way or the other, it is not irrational to conclude that China owns Joe.

On April 13, 2014, Hunter had not yet been publicly announced as a Burisma Board Member.  As his father was preparing to fly to Ukraine, Hunter emailed Archer to put this trip in the context of their corrupt assistance through “my guy”, in order to negotiate what Hunter had hoped would be a $25,000 monthly fee:

We need to ask for long term agreement and across the board participation. This is a huge step for us that could easily become very complicated. And if we are not protected financially regardless of the outcome we could find ourselves frozen out of a lot of current and future opportunities.

The contract should begin now- not after the upcoming visit of my guy.

That should include a retainer in the range of 25k p/m w/ additional fees where appropriate for more in depth work to go to BSF for our protection. Complete separate from our respective deals re board participation.

On April 14, 2014 the U.K. in London, encouraged by their joint anti-corruption efforts with the U.S., seized $23 million of Burisma’s founder Mykola Zlochevsky’s wire of funds directed to Cyprus.  Two days later, Hunter’s partner Devon Archer met in the White House with the Vice President past midnight.  Only a fool would believe this meeting was not related to Burisma and to the potential hiring of Archer and Hunter.

On May 13, 2014, Hunter was announced as a Burisma Director with a role in “corporate governance.”  His pay has been reported alternately as $50,000 or $83,000 per month.

Did Joe deliver for his son?  A letter to the U.K. court from a Ukrainian prosecutor never came once Hunter Biden was hired, and so the British court did not send the $23 million back to Ukraine as it had hoped to do, but was now forced, without the letter, to allow the money to proceed to Zlochevsky’s bank account in Cyprus. But that $23 million is chump change.  Very quickly, at the urging of Vice President Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry, the IMF lent an emergency $4.91 billion for the Ukrainian finance sector to keep the banking system afloat.  Immediately Hunter’s client Igor Kolomoisky (an owner of Burisma through his PrivatBank Group) lent $1.8 billion of it to shell companies in Cyprus, backed by fake contracts with other shells.  Eventually, Kolomoisky and PrivatBank looted U.S.-backed foreign aid for $5.6 billion.

Famed American investigator Kroll & Company found that the looting ended at the end of 2016, when, not coincidentally, Joe Biden was going out of power.  Also, not coincidentally with the Vice President gone, Kolomoisky fled the Ukraine while its Central Bank, now freed of Biden’s influence, finally seized control of the bank and received $5.5 billion in IMF funds to reflate it.

Earlier in 2016, Joe Biden had withheld $1 billion in foreign aid until an anti-Burisma prosecutor was fired.  The three pending Burisma cases were now transferred to the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), a U.S. stepchild and staffed with an agent from James Comey’s FBI.  Right before Biden left office, NABU dismissed two of the three cases, and settled the last with a token $7 million payment.

So as his father was leaving office, Hunter’s clients had succeeded in stealing billions of dollars, largely plundered from or repaid by foreign aid.

All was well thereafter except that Biden-recommended holdover, Ambassador Marie Yovanovich, denied visas to former Ukrainian prosecutors who wished to visit the U.S. to complain about Biden-centric corruption.  Their pleas were ignored by Comey’s FBI, by churchmouse Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and of course, by Yovanovich’s State Department.  By the time the complainants got to Rudy Giuliani, Volodymyr Zelensky had been newly elected, and only President Trump under diplomatic protocol could complain to him about Biden’s corruption.  When Trump tried to get Zelensky to investigate the Biden-centric corruption, he was impeached by a pro-Obama Deep State DNI “whistleblower,” incorrectly so, since this was not a DNI matter, and not a crime.

While the sham partisan impeachment was proceeding, the American media ignored an existential drama in the Ukraine, a country about which the impeachers claimed to care deeply.  Zelensky had been strongly supported in his election bid by the exiled Kolomoisky, who had owned the television network on which Zelensky had become famous, and had supported his campaign lavishly.

Indeed, when Zelensky was elected, Kolomoisky felt secure enough to return to Ukraine, a development noticed with alarm by the IMF.  The IMF made it clear that Zelensky would have to demonstrate his anti-corruption credentials, and distance himself from (formerly Biden protected) Kolomoisky.  If not, IMF would cut off Ukraine, leaving it to oligarchic Russian influence.

Had President Trump successfully importuned Zelensky to investigate the Biden-enabled corruption, which would have centered on Kolomoisky, and had Zelensky therefore shown himself to be free of Kolomoisky corruption, the IMF would have been comfortable loaning billions to Ukraine and saving it for NATO and the United States.

Just as Zelensky was relenting, with the impeachment  Zelensky now was now allowed to lay off Kolomoisky, and, indeed, was forced to stand down, to the great national harm of Ukraine.

Kolomoisky, now emboldened by the impeachment, petitioned to have his previously seized, now reflated, PrivatBank returned to his ownership.  It was not surprising that Kolomoisky, with his bread no longer buttered on the anti-corruption Western side, announced that Ukraine would have no choice but to pivot toward Russian influence.

How our major media treated these earth-shaking disclosures?  By silence, mainly, with a few jabs suggesting that the Biden laptop is Russian disinformation, an impossible reconstructive feat  This is the same media to which it never occurred that  Christopher Steele employed Russian spies to document a Trump-Putin collusion, seemingly Russian disinformation to assist his covert sponsor Hillary Clinton.

The masthead of the Washington Post claims, “democracy dies in darkness.”  In light of the media concealment of a presidential candidate’s corrupt involvement, the Grim Reaper is now briskly striding toward the Land of the Free.


John D. O’Connor is a former federal prosecutor and the San Francisco attorney who represented W. Mark Felt during his revelation as Deep Throat in 2005. O’Connor is the author of the book, Postgate: How the Washington Post Betrayed Deep Throat, Covered Up Watergate, and Began Today’s Partisan Advocacy Journalism.

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